Wire Payment Integration
You can easily integrate with our Wire Payment Integration by calling our Wire Payment API.
Our API provides real time exchange rate for Bank Wire transactions.
End-Point URL : https://northstarcurrency.com/api
Dev API key: sandbox [Please request an API key for Production usage when you are ready]
Please pass in the following API key via the Authorization header apiKey: 12345test
Make another secondary API call with all the customer information regarding the trade in JSON data format.
For the following currencies, please request the additional data from user: [please see Parameter Chart]
** You MUST authenticate your request by passing in the apikey and your secret key via the Authorization header **
Once funds have been sent out from NorthStarCurrency to their respective school our system is capable of sending an update [POST] to a given URL of your choice.
POSTBACK data varies from integration to integration. We will work with you to see what is required.
Variable | Data Type | Example |
status | String | 'success' or 'failed' |
northstar_trade_id | Integer [A unique ID that is used to identify the transaction in our platform that was returned to you in step 2] | 12345458 |