Wire Payment Integration

You can easily integrate with our Wire Payment Integration by calling our Wire Payment API.

Our API provides real time exchange rate for Bank Wire transactions.

Step 1 - Call our Exchange Rate API

End-Point URL : https://northstarcurrency.com/api
Dev API key: sandbox [Please request an API key for Production usage when you are ready]

Please pass in the following API key via the Authorization header apiKey: 12345test

Step 2 - Secondary API Call

Make another secondary API call with all the customer information regarding the trade in JSON data format.
For the following currencies, please request the additional data from user: [please see Parameter Chart]

** You MUST authenticate your request by passing in the apikey and your secret key via the Authorization header **

Step 3 - Call-Back / Notification URL

Once funds have been sent out from NorthStarCurrency to their respective school our system is capable of sending an update [POST] to a given URL of your choice.

POSTBACK data varies from integration to integration. We will work with you to see what is required.

Variable Data Type Example
status String 'success' or 'failed'
northstar_trade_id Integer [A unique ID that is used to identify the transaction in our platform that was returned to you in step 2] 12345458